《體驗學習工作坊》 四節工作坊完成✅ 1️⃣Dream:強化個人目標感,提升個人責任感。
3️⃣We Say Yes :透過喻意遊戲,學習應用到日常生活當中。提昇個人責任感及角色
4️⃣跳出新 teens:個人成長,計劃未來,給予肯定,價值觀對對碰及總結
💢工作坊特色:透過遊戲體驗學習、訓練,度身訂造活動內容為適合的學生/員工度身訂造活動內容,配合目標分享趣味故事。 發掘興趣,強化內在能力,衝破固有框架,突破盲點和極限,了解個性管理情緒,感染正向思維、加強抗逆能力,欣賞積極主動,認同自信自尊行為,改善專注力及社交困難。
☎ 查詢電話 : Facebook專頁: https://www.facebook.com/SzeTheWorld 網頁:www.szetheworld.com WhatsApp短訊 : https://wa.me/85266353876?text=MyNameIs:%0A
Sze The World @ 2019 All rights reserved.
Adventure out has programs to unlock latent potential
Team building,Team bonding,Leadership,Communication & teamwork
Learning hard and soft skills through experience is timeless
Outback bush camping,Treks,Abseiling, Climbing & Ziplining,Wildlife & wild survival,Practical problem solving activities,Orientation & navigation,Activity programs on location
We specialise in taking anyone anywhere
Camping & bushcraft,Awareness, environment,Fish fram Indigenous immersions,Rope & water,Orientation & navigation
Comprehensive recreation schedule for after school hours and weekends
Outback treks
Monkey , HoiHa Reef, Hong Kong Pinnacles and East tours
Adventure tours
Swimming with fish and crab
Eco tours
Grass Island adventure weekends
Diving certificate courses and tours
Surfing, water skiing, wind surfing or sailing tuition
Accommodation bookings (including Homestays and Fish Farmstays)
Connection to self / nature / community
Outcomes & benefits
Because even the best programs need exceptional humans to bring them to life
Ignite the human spirit , Develop confidence & risk management , Build resilience & grit , Enhance communication & interdependence , Develop self sufficiency , Promote positive self esteem and wellbeing , Develop awareness & interdependence
Imagining a different future,Strong young people create healthy life